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The oldest transcription text identified, which is written by foreigners, is Codex Cumanicus. Codex Cumanicus, which was written in 14 th century by Italian traders and German missionaries to do trading and to explain Christianity to Kipchak people who lived in the North of Black Sea, consists of two notebooks wich were combined afterwards. The first notebook was written in Latin and the second notebook was written in German. One of the most important transcription text written by foreigners in 17 th century, belongs to Meninski. The name of the dictionary is Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium, Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae (Treasures of Eastern Languages Turkish, Arabic and Persian). The dictionary consists of five languages. The meanings of the vocables are given in Latin, German, Italian, French and Polish languages. Another dictionary which was written in that century belongs to Malino. This work consists of two chapters, which are Italian-Turkish dictionary and a short grammer explanation of Turkish. Another transcription text written by foreigner (Johann Matthias Korabinsky) in 18 th century is named “Versuch eines kleinen Türkischen Wörterbuchs mit beygesetzten deutsch, ungurisch und böhmischen Bedeutungen und einer kurzgefaβten türkischen Sprachlehre”. Another transcription text written by foreigner in 19 th century is named “Kurzgefaſzte türkisch=deutsche Sprachlehre- Mit einer Sammlung der gebräuchlichſten Wörter, kleiner Conſtructionen und Redensarten – Nebst zwölf Gesprächen und zehn Geſchichten in türkischer deutscher und französischer Sprache”. In our study the transkription text “Kurzgefaſzte türkisch=deutsche Sprachlehre” will be introduced.

Transcription texts, Turkish, German, French


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