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All teaching programs need reform, change and development. In this regard, from past to present, within the scope of sociological changes, political attitudes, advances and developments of life conditions, and especially needs, more or less regulations have been issued on educational programs.While it was contrarily in primary education in the past, but in the present, at secondary education, Turkish Course has always been one of the courses leading on regulation and change. Respectively, in 1929 Secondary School Turkish Course Syllabus, 1931-1932 School Year’s Revised Turkish Syllabus, 1938 Secondary School Program, 1949 Secondary School Turkish Syllabus, 1962 Secondary School Program, 1981 Primary Schools Turkish Syllabus, 2006 Primary Education Turkish Course Teaching Syllabus (6-8. Grades), and lastly 2015 Turkish Teaching Syllabus (1-8. Grades) were announced to be put into practice. This study was prepared in accordance with constructivist approach, and conducted to search differences and similarities between grammar learning outcomes of 2006 Turkish Teaching Program and 2015 Turkish Teaching Program (5-8. Grades) In this study, a survey was carried out via support of Turkish Teacher’s opinions and with the help of analysis on learning outcomes. First, the term “teaching program” was tried to be explained. Then, 2015 Turkish Teaching Program was generally acquainted, and information was given about the aim of teaching grammar, approaches to teaching grammar. To reach findings in the study, first, Programs were examined with the document analysis method (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2016:189) including written sources giving information about the facts to be researched, and to take teacher’s opinions, a focus group meeting was applied online. With the help of findings gained, programs were compared to each others from the points of view distribution of grammar learning outcomes, comparison between grammar learning and other learning skills characteristics of grammar learning outcomes and teachers’ ’feedbacks. While these comparisons were being made, descriptive analysis method was used. (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2016: 239). According to results of the study, it was observed that in 2015 program, numbers of grammar learning outcomes and therefore its intensity in lessons decreased. In this way, grammar was made more functional by being taught in reading and writing learning skills, and learning outcomes turned out to become more spiral structures.As well as these positive results, it was observed that Turkish teachers could not adopt themselves to the program since they do not know well enough about it.

Key Words: Grammar, Turkish Teaching Program, Grammar Learning outcomes


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