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Coursebooks acting as instruments are the shortest way of observing the education system in a society. These instruments on the one hand draw the the official ideology of the society, whereas on the other hand they point the way to the young whom they try to educate, including their values, cultural backgrounds. A coursebook, in terms of education; is easy to use, available for each student, where information is given directly, could be used continuously and could be consulted at any time, a tool that fills the verbalin struction. Âşık poetry, like a treasure, has preserved for centuries the sense, faith, taste, pain, joyand the worldview of Turkish people till today. Because Aşık sare the spokesmen of the communities in which they live. Therefore, many of the cultural values they area filiated with certain rules in poetry are also produced on the basis of the transfer. Education aims at transferring culture to the younger generations with an aspect. Turkish and Turkish literature courses also have an importantpart in achieving this goal. Aşık literature that is a rich cultural treasure certainly be given a larger place when preparing Turkish and Turkish literature coursebooks. Inthisstudy, in 2014-2015 academic year the "Turkish" coursebooks and student workbooks distributed by the Ministry of Education from primary first class to eighth grades have been examined interms of content of Aşık Literature along with high school "Turkish Literature" text books from nineth class to the eleventh grades. As a result of the study, it has been observed that in Turkish and Turkish literature, Aşık literature have not been given the right place it deserves.

Education, coursebook, Turkish, Turkish literature, culture.


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