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Related to their being live, languages changed and transformed in many aspects which are mainly phonetics, morphology and semantics in the past thousands years period. There are many elements we can state that affected this change and transformation process. A fact that does not exist in another language has either found a place for itself in that language after that interaction or has established a place for that enountered fact by expanding the meaning of a concept of itself. It is very necessary to make meticulous explorations especially to what extent the concepts has changed since the earliest works for revealing the changes of the languages in this long period and the reasons of these changes concretely. All of these factors mentioned above caused Turkish language to experience a fast cycle. Semantics is a discipline that deals with the meaning changes (expansion, contraction, recovery, deterioration, etc.) that occur over time. This study aims at analysing the term “yürümek” diachronically since the period when it first appeared as “yorı-” in the Orhun Inscriptions, the first written work of Turkish language. In this study, document analaysis technique - one qualitative investigating methods - was used. It is tried to reveal the ablauts, semantic expansions and semantic constraints the term “yürümek” has experienced since hundreds of years by scanning thirty different dictionaries and works to obtain this knowledge. It is figured out that the phonetic changes of the term “yürümek” occured in sequence like this: yorı->yöri->yüri-> yürü- It is seen that the concept has more than seventy-four new meanings as a result of semantic extension.

Turkish Language, semantics, walking.


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