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Al-Fajr surah has been defined as God's deed upon non-believers, calling for the fear of God, also to avoid tyranny and corruption in the first part of three, starting with an interesting and exciting part. Then, in the second part, it deals with the human nature which has not been refined by fear of God, piety, and forgiveness. It was implicit call for purification of the human soul. And the third part mentioned what will be in the judgement day of punishing sinners and rewarding the believers, thus a variety of verse segmentation is noted, and rhyme diversity as a result of the various meaning and scenes. Rhythm starts fast, with short frequency and light, matching the short verses and the rhythmical eloquence of the (R) sound easy rhyming and articulating, as well as omitting (ya) sound from the ending of verse four. This contributed to the creation of rhythmical synergy allowing (R) sound to accomplish musical unity, there are four omitted (ya) in Al-Fajr surah in the end of segmentation and throughout the surah. Then, the rhythm has changed and become relatively slow, as the syllables increase from (29) in the first five verses to (92) in the next nine verses. Along with that, the rhyming changed from the voiceless fricative (R) sound to the voiced explosive (D), as well as the long (A) sound that precedes it. Simulating with its rhyme and rhythm the long time line of the tyranny of ('Aad, Thamud, and Faraoh), and draw a picture of the continuous long lasting tyranny and the high built of (Thamud). Descriptions of the sounds were not unmatching with their reference either roughly, smoothly, clearly or matching with the context.

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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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