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In 21th century, there are theories called new genre public art, participatory art, relational aesthetics, dialogue art and dialogue based art. These theories define art as a vehicle to make connections between artist and viewer, viewer and viewer and the viewer’s returning to participant. Although formation of this kind of art is from art world, because it is occurred by the participation of public, it is so related with public topics and public sphere. The question of if the art can create the specialities of public sphere, which are defined by Habermas, it is a sphere in which people express themselves freely and everyone can attend. The question of if this situation can be turned into an artwork, prepared the ground of this study. The study, created the axis of these questions, was performed in an old town in Germany called Beelitz with the people living here, during 35 days. In the study, because of the reason to remove the distinction between artist and public, the portraits of the people living there were drawn by the painter and to draw her portrait by them was asked. Because different languages and cultures were the topic, the most direct part of the body, which is face, portrait was chosen to be drawn. Before the portraits were drawn, the language of German was tried to be talked and the question of “can I draw your portrait” was tried to be said in German. The experiments had in this period provided to create relationship between painter and the participants. In this article, the period and the result of the art work “I have been in Beelitz” and the theorical works about this study were examined.

Public Sphere, New Genre Public Art, Artist, Viewer, Participant.


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 10/5 (September 2023) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue (100th Anniversary Special Issue) will be published on October 29, 2023. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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