Hızlı Erişim

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The women problem is one of the subjects that modern society focuses on. The studies on the place of women in society are mostly based on employment opportunities, equal voting rights or violence against women. On the other hand, there is politics that takes place through women, such as “headscarves”. Even the covering-clothing- is also one of the basic parameters of political polarization in the country. Especially, since the 1950s, the headscarf debate has been on the political agenda of the country. After the 1980s, the headscarf issue has turned into a social movement in Turkey. However, the women honour should be above the politics, like all human honour. This study aims to determine the level of women's honour over the clothing / covering density that women prefer. In this study, based on the data obtained from the field research, data were collected from 389 women living in Adana. The questionnaire technique was used as data collection tool. Women clothing style which is the research data is accepted as the independent variable. Here, the women honour is analysed data as relational and descriptive according to this. According to the results of the analysis, it was observed that the women honour at society level was inversely correlation with the rate of they preferred covering style.

Women, Honour, Secularism, Headscarf, Hijab.


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