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The redesign of the Eurasian continent's geopolitical structure began in the early part of the seventh century BC. The Sassanid and Byzantine Empires, the two superpowers of the supercontinent, commenced a protracted and brutal battle. People were directly involved in the conflict in addition to military since it was fought in the name of Zaroastrism and Christianity. The war expanded in scope. Tens of thousands of people died, hundreds of thousands were injured, millions of people's faiths were violated, temples were demolished, and cities were set ablaze. Yet, the war was not over. In the midst of bloody events, a new force was emerging without drawing the notice of the rival superpowers. A new religion would spawn a new state and an entirely new civilization, influencing the course of history. Also, this new religion regarded Christians and Jews as "People of the Book," despite the fact that they had abandoned their homes and temples after losing the battle. Yet Islam's Holy Book describes as a winner of the war the Bisans. Here miracle happens, the written prophesy of the third party becomes real, Bisans achieved victory. However, the miracle's actions would be someone else's property. The ancient Turan civilization was revived by an empire that was founded fifty years prior to these advances by conquering the vast Asian steppes and the oldest towns in Central Asia. Once more, Turks appeared. Byzantium would gain a unique ally in the Turan-Iranian conflict, which developed over the Silk Road trade, as well as hope for the waiting Jews and Christians. The events of the 7th century in Eurasia -the Byzantine-Sassanid war, Byzantine-Turkic relations, and trade along the Silk Road -were examined in the essay from a fresh angle on the Turan-Islam axis through Europe, China, and Muslim resources. The initiation of the wide-ranging cooperation in the Turkish-Islamic World today has brought the subjects of the Turks' acquaintance with Islam and the services they rendered to the religion of Islam even more up to date. In the research, Byzantine chronologies, Chinese chronologies, Russian sources, as well as the famous turcologist Lev Gumilev's book "Old Turks" were used. The verses of the Quran and the Hadiths and the books of the famous Uzbek scholar Sheikh Muhammed Sadik Muhammed Yusuf, "Tafsir-i Hilal" and "Hadith and Hayat", were examined from the official sources of the Directorate of Religious Affairs of Turkey. Information on Islamic history has been analyzed by comparing the Arabic and English versions of the book "The History of Al-Ṭabarī" (Ta'rikh al-rusul wa'l-mulūk) by the famous Islamic historian Imam Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Jarir Tabari. In the article, care was taken to obtain qualified information on the subject and to introduce a new approach. Taking the subject under the spotlight in accordance with today's geopolitical agenda, based on historical facts, necessitates the examination of historical documents and deep analysis. The document scanning technique, a qualitative research method, was used in the study. Resources in Uzbek, Turkic, Russian, Persian, English, and Arabic were used in this context.

İslam, Turan, Central Asia, Türkic


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